Typical Services in Safety of Automated Driving Systems (ADS)
Support in ADS safety argumentation structure
Astus provides support based on customer’s product structure: how to find a safety
argumentation structure capable of reaching real predictive power. Suggestions of
improvement in product architecture to enable both high performance and guaranteed safety.
Support in formalizing safety contracts
Contract-based safety argumentation is referred to as Safety Element out of Context, SEooC,
in ISO 26262. Astus supports the customer how to identify and formulate efficient safety contracts,
fitting in a structure where completeness can be reached for the total ADS safety case.
Independent 3rd party review
Astus acts as an independent safety reviewer.
Support in planning for continuous deployment from a safety perspective
ADS functionality will evolve incrementally at a rather high pace, also after
introduced on the market. To become efficient in the product planning, safety aspects
must be considered, because generating evidence in the safety case fragments might cause
significantly delays if discovered too late. When prioritizing the functional growth of an ADS,
it is important to include the safety aspects. Astus provides support to the customer in planning for CD.
Management seminars – How to become safe enough for customers and society!
- Expectations from customers. Societal and legal expectations. Liability. Brand value.
- It’s about real safety – not just compliance. Be sure to have input for the real decisions.
- Automated driving – Moving from SOP to Continuous Deployment.
- Don’t mix performance and safety – Avoid unnecessary high costs in quest for safety.
- Reaching agile advantages with strict safety promises – Solving the black swan paradox.
- Automated Driving capabilities will evolve continuously – How to reduce time to market for every improvement step.
Engineering seminars and courses
- What’s special with safety for automated driving.
- Reaching completeness in safety argumentation.
- Safety in CI/CD
- Applicability and use of existing standards.
- Going beyond standards of today – needs and ongoing initiatives.